Annemarie Dapoz

Project Title

ReefScan Deep


ReefScan Deep is a TAUV (towed autonomous underwater vehicle) I designed while spending a summer as a visiting researcher at the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS).


I designed the vehicle as a TAUV to keep simplicity of boat-mounted devices while being able to image deeper water (10-80m). A boat provides the forward speed while the vehicle's four thrusters provide depth control and stabilize the vehicle to ensure high-quality photo and video.

One of my main goals was to design a hydrodynamically stable vehicle as AIMS's previous attempts to use a commercial ROV for deep water surveys failed. To create ReefScan Deep, I made a mathematical model to optimize vehicle parameters and designed vehicle elements based on the results. Finally, I also developed a custom frame, electronics canister, and battery-exchange system.

After I left AIMS, the team took my design and manufacturing plan to build and test ReefScan Deep. The TAUV was deployed on the Great Barrier Reef to identify invasive crown-of-thorns starfish, as seen in the photos. To learn more about the ReefScan project in general, check out AIMS's website.
